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Yuliana G Blog


Have you guessed what am I talking about? Nauli, of course ☺️

There are 3 main reasons why Nauli is the absolutely best pelvic floor yoga practice for both, female health and body toning👇

nauli pelvic floor yoga technique yuliana g exercise woman's belly

🟢Visceral massage of internal organs.

Activation of the deep abdominal muscles triggers the bile duct, which affects the peristalsis of the intestines. A clean bowel eliminates problems with constipation and gas.

☝️ It also starts the lymph flow and the process of self-detoxification (the liver is cleansed), and metabolism increases.

All this leads to a complex rejuvenation of organs and the body.

🟢Hypoxia (oxygen starvation), which occurs when you hold your breath, allows you to accumulate energy and prolong youth.

When we do not breathe, old unnecessary mitochondria die off. ☝️This has a positive effect on FAT BURNING.

🟢NAULI is a powerful physical activity and exercise. The blood flow increases, as well as the tone of all abdominal muscles. This helps to eliminate fat deposits and bring prolapsed organs back up to their places.

Plus, during the exercises, pelvic floor organs and reproductive systems are getting activated. Nauli is not only health but also body beauty, a connection with our feminine energy and our inner selves.

Get your 1-1 consultation with me today to try Nauli and feel all those powerful positive changes that this pelvic floor yoga technique brings!

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The reasons to focus on our women’s health will be different for everyone but there are 5 common things that (I believe) every woman would benefit from and those are enough to get into pelvic floor yoga.

Our pelvic floor muscles hold the pelvic organs in place. When the muscles are in good shape, then all the organs are in the right places and there’s no risk of prolapse.

✅Improve hormonal levels and delay menopause.

Our ovaries produce estrogens, hormones of beauty and youth. During pelvic floor yoga training, natural stimulation of the ovaries occurs. This helps keeping hormonal levels healthy and delay menopause.

✅Prepare for childbirth.

Only elastic muscles of the pelvic floor can really go through childbirth easily without serious consequences for women's health after (e.g. hemorrhoids, stress urinary incontinence, prolapse)

✅Get rid of stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Every woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and that’s easy to do with just 10-15 min a day pelvic floor yoga training.

✅Improve the quality of your sex life & build a connection with your feminine self.

The buildup of libido, the development of sensitivity are one of the main goals of pelvic floor yoga apart from the health improvement. Strong pelvic floor muscles can bring a lot of bright colors into your sex life and a lot of pleasure for you. But most importantly, you’ll get to know your body better and connect with your feminine self. That’s priceless.

skinny woman in silver bikini on white sand beach Yuliana g pelvic floor yoga

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Our bodies are extremely intelligent and if we listen carefully, we’ll find their signals. Be it rest more or eat better, our bodies show us what we need to take care of to stay healthy and well. Some signals are easier to read than others but let me share a few that will indicate your body needs Nauli, one of the core pelvic floor yoga practices.

Yuliana G woman practicing Nauli on the beach pelvic floor yoga training

So! When do you need Nauli?

1️. You have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating, flatulence). Thanks to consistent training of Nauli technique, your digestion will begin to go like clockwork in just a few practices and you’ll be shocked by amazing results in just one month! Pelvic floor training really helps to get rid of bloating and flatulence. Prepare to throw away laxatives.

2. You are suffering from painful periods and irregular cycle. This is what Nauli helps with first. With the help of this pelvic floor yoga practice, you will boost the bloodstream to your pelvic floor and get rid of discomfort during menstruation. In just a few weeks of practice, women report significant improvements in cycle regularity and a massive reduction of pain during periods.

3. You suffer from a slow metabolism and excessive weight. You will be surprised that by starting the natural process of losing weight with the help of Nauli, you will not only be able to speed up your metabolism, and lose a few extra kilos in a month, but also reduce your appetite and significantly reduce portion sizes, since the volume of your stomach will also decrease. If you have been trying to lose weight for years without success, Nauli practices are definitely for you.

4️. You can't get rid of a postpartum belly. Nauli will be an ideal practice for you. It’ll help to remove the postpartum “roll” and help to return the prenatal abdomen, as well as reduce vaginal volume and get rid of organ prolapse.

5️. You don't know how to deal with swelling. The main step that you need to take is to improve the lymph flow and get rid of stagnation, which is why it is important for you to implement Nauli practices in your life in order to forget about swelling forever.

If at least one point is relevant to you, it’s time to master Nauli technique and improve your female and general health like many of my students already did. Ready to get your results? Get in touch with me for a 1-1 consultation to learn this magical Nauli!

PS: if your health is perfect and none of the signs are relevant to you, Nauli is still a great preventive technique to keep yourself healthy and happy in just 15 min a day.

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