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Yuliana G Blog


Updated: Sep 26, 2022

I was surprised to discover how many women are experiencing urinary incontinence but don’t register it as an issue and don’t look for solutions to fix it. They often think that it's a normal part of motherhood or aging and going into menopause so they put up with incontinence. Even though it seriously affects their life quality, emotional balance, body image, sexuality, libido etc. And in some cases, it might progress to more severe forms that are a serious health risk. It’s a medical condition and it should be treated.

Incontinence is common but it's not normal and women definitely don’t have to put up with it. Though I’m not here to blame women for not taking care of the urinal leakage. I myself was one of those who put up with it (read my personal story here) because I didn’t know how to treat it and the only solution I was offered by my doctor, was surgery (scary, invasive and expensive).

yuliana g stomach exercises pelvic floor yoga

I suffered from incontinence for several years. And let me tell you, those years weren’t fun. Constant worrying about wetting your pants, lack of self-confidence, irritability, and life adjustments - it negatively affected my life in so many ways. Many women who have it in lighter forms use a tampon or a sanitary pad to “deal” with the issue or limit certain activities that cause the leakage. But imagine a life without those adjustments. A life where you’re happy, healthy, confident, and attractive! A life where you aren’t buying female sanitary products in crazy amounts (which might add up to a hefty bill) and don’t have to use them non-stop (which is just uncomfortable).

The happier, healthier you is easier to achieve than you think! It takes $60 and 90 days to get rid of incontinence by doing pelvic floor yoga for just 10-15 min a day! I’m leading to my online course “Women’s health 1.0 or get rid of incontinence in 90 days” :) You’ll be surprised how many health benefits apart from getting rid of incontinence practicing pelvic floor yoga daily brings. To name a few:

✔️ Improves digestion

✔️ Prevents internal organs prolapse

✔️ Normalizes menstrual cycle

✔️ Increases libido

✔️ Supports pleasurable, pain-free sex

✔️ Eases childbirth

✔️ Speeds up postpartum recovery

✔️ Tones and strengthens abdomen muscles that form a flat and beautiful belly

Want to see some proof? Read my clients’ success stories.

Your health and happiness are in your hands. Join my online course to feel like your best self. The first class is on me ;)

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Uddiyana is the abdominal lock, a hatha yoga technique and the core practice in my pelvic floor yoga training. It is one of the body “locks” used in asana and pranayama practice to control the body energy flow. Bandha in English is “lock” and it talks about the yogic technique of closing off the energy flow to only specific parts of your body.

When performing Bandha a person contracts or compresses the corresponding muscle groups of the perineum (Mula Badha), abdomen (Uddiyana Badha), and neck (Jalandhara Bandha). All bandhas have a massage effect on muscles and internal organs, improving blood circulation in any area of ​​the body helping to cleanse it.

Uddiyana bandha (abdominal muscles contraction) compresses the organs of the digestive system, the adrenal glands, the kidneys and, most importantly, the solar plexus. When our "brain in the stomach" is compressed, a huge amount of energy is released in the chest and abdominal cavity, which has healing properties. Emotionally, it gives us a sense of well-being. Uddiyana bandha tones the sympathetic nervous system and makes it work more efficiently.

The benefits of Uddiyana bandha are Incredible: muscle & connective tissue stretches, blood circulation increase, internal ograns massage, digestion improvement, hormonal balance and so much more. That is why I included it in my "Women's health 1.0" online course.

uddiyana badha practice by yuliana g

Uddiyana's benefits:

  • Elimination of internal organs displacement, including the pelvic organs, as the diaphragm directs up under the ribs and pulls the organs up.

  • Massage the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. It helps to eliminate constipation, intestines and pancreas problems, and indigestion. Such a massage also has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys, spleen and adrenal glands functions.

  • Beneficial effect on the blood system: Uddiyana removes venous congestion, improves blood circulation, and accelerates regenerative processes.

  • Stimulation of the nervous system: positive effect on the solar plexus, and stimulation of nerve endings that are concentrated in the intestines.

  • Hormone system stimulation, specifically adrenal glands and pancreas. In combination with Mula bandha, it also stimulates the uterus and ovaries.

  • Immunity boost of the urogenital system: blood outflow from the pelvic organs, activation of blood supply, removal of excess fluid, pelvic diaphragm strengthening and intimate zone health improvement.

  • Energy level increase, which contributes to the processes of rejuvenation and inhibition of aging. Toning of the wide abdominal muscle layers and reduction of belly fat.

  • Increase of pleasant sensations during *ex.

Do you want to learn & master Uddiyana? I'd be happy to guide you in the process - get a free consultation with me to learn more or enroll in my online course to learn it on your own (first class is free!).

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I want to dig into the Women’s Health 1.0 course today and share the logic behind its structure and practices. I developed the program focusing on 3 main blocks:

Part 1: Pelvic floor health theory

Part 2: Powerful yogic breathing techniques with detailed manuals

Part 3: Nauli Kriya theory and practice

Let’s dive into each of them one by one:

Yuliana G pelvic floor yoga teacher explaining pelvic floor health with a training model

Part 1: Pelvic floor health theory

It’s important to start from the beginning. Pelvic floor health isn’t something we learn from an early age. It’s usually something we discover when something goes wrong. In the first class, we’ll just all get on the same page.

I start the course with an introduction to pelvic floor health, explaining in detail its dysfunction - the inability to correctly relax and coordinate your pelvic floor muscles to have a bowel movement. Amongst other conditions, the latter is the main cause of urine leakage, a weak bladder, and constipation issues.

In the first theoretical part, I also cover all you need to know about intra-abdominal pressure.

Part 2: Powerful yogic breathing techniques with detailed manuals

Yogic breathing techniques are extremely effective in relaxing your body and mind and work magic in supporting the healing process. In the course, you will learn one of the most powerful breathing yoga exercises – kapalabhati (also a part of my free guide!) and Uddiyana Bandha - an incredibly effective for pelvic floor training abdominal lift in which you suck your abdominal wall in and up at the end of exhalation while restraining the breath.

Part 3: Nauli Kriya theory and practice

Nauli has a cleaning effect on the abdominal region, especially on digestive organs and the small intestine. It massages internal belly organs by a circular movement of the abdominal muscles. Though improvement in digestion is not the only benefit Nauli has. It also helps to:

- improve intimate zone immunity (no infections, no cystitis, no dysbacteriosis)

- regulate and balance the hormonal system (no hormonal imbalances)

- increase energy levels & boost self-esteem (look and feel on 100%)

- tones abdominal muscles and improves stomach skin quality (no more baggy clothes and stomach hiding)

Join my online course to improve your female health and get a flat stomach with pelvic floor exercises. The first class is on me ;)

Hesitant? Get a free consultation here.

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